Managed IT Services

What are Managed Services?

NIKO Computers IT Support manages all your IT services for a flat-rate fee so you can focus your efforts on increasing revenues. We tailor your IT solutions to fit you. Let us give you the peace of mind you deserve.


This is the ‘Managed’ part of Managed IT Services. IT companies like to throw this ‘Buzz Word’ out there, but very few deliver on the promise or even really know what it means:

Is your IT provider PROACTIVE?

– When your internet is down, do you call your IT provider, or do they notify you?

– When Disk C is full on a computer, who notifies who?

– When workstations or your server have reached capacity, is it a surprise, or has your IT provider already informed you that they were close to maxing out?

Niko Computers IT Support Manages your Services. We know your system inside and out, and in any of the above scenarios and more, you can expect us to notify you, not the other way around.

What Proactive Managed Services Mean to You:

  • Vendor Management – Even if we are not the vendor, we will call any vendor that affects your electronic business communications: For example, your internet or server. You don’t need to call, and we will.
  • 24/7 HelpDesk Support; 24/7 Monitoring and Repair – We often repair issues before you know about them. If you are working on weekends and Holidays, so are we. We are always here for you.
  • We are your Virtual CIO – We are more than just a ‘fix-it’ outfit. We understand the technical needs of your business and how new technology can help you better meet your goals. We are your Technology Partner.
  • Policies and Procedures – We create and implement internal Policies & Procedures that are specific to your business, the flow of data, and your users’ particular needs. We are your IT department as if we had an office there.
  • Cybersecurity Platform – From Firewall to Antivirus to User Security Training to a secure, protected Backup System, where reliable data retrieval is routinely tested, we keep your system safe from top to bottom.
  • Dedicated In-House Team – For both HelpDesk support and onsite tech visits, you will know your team – both your primary and secondary contacts. No need to explain anything to some ‘new guy’ every week. Everybody that serves your needs is here – local. NO OUTSOURCING.
  • Project Management – We set the Policies and Procedures, and your Dedicated Team faithfully follows our Project Management guidelines. You can expect that our service is done in a consistent, organized manner that you can count on.


Managed IT Services Q & A

Q: What are Managed IT Services

A: At a minimum, Managed IT Services provide proactive IT support 24/7 through monitoring, repair, and maintenance, performed by both IT Help Desk and on-site technicians, although the range of services offered by a Managed Services Provider can be massive. Hardware as a Service (HaaS) and Software as a Service (Saas) may be included as well.

Q: Why do you need Managed IT Services?

A: Using Managed IT Services saves money – both in IT costs and in cutting downtime and productivity loss. The Managed Services Provider takes care of everything about IT support and services with minimal client involvement. This allows the client to concentrate only on their business goals, not IT support. Forbes provides an excellent overview of the factors that help determine if a Managed Services Provider is a good fit for your business.

Q: How much should Managed IT Service cost?

A: Managed IT Services usually consist of a monthly subscription or retainer fee arrangement with the Managed Services Provider, and the costs depend on the range of services. The range can go from a ‘bare-bones’ arrangement at $80 ex GST/per user/per month to the more all-inclusive IT Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) pricing, which generally falls between $100 ex GST to $175 ex GST per user/per month. Especially for small business IT services, one should look suspiciously at anything higher than $175. The overall average price for minimal Managed IT Services is $80 to $100 per user per month. Call us, and we will discuss the price together.

Q: What are the key concepts underlying IT Services management?

A: The fundamental concept is that IT Services Management takes a proactively holistic approach to network infrastructure – looking after the whole rather than dealing only with individual components. We do this with IT support 24/7, monitoring and predictive maintenance. As issues arise in components, we not only address them but examine why the issue occurred and how it matters concerning the overall infrastructure. This is extremely important for small business IT support.

Q: Why choose Managed IT Services?

A: There are many excellent reasons to choose Managed IT Services, but the most important is the client’s peace of mind and bottom line. The client can focus entirely on their goals rather than IT support, which is the job of the Managed Services Provider. The old school ‘Break & Fix’ model of IT support leaves the client open to frequent and ongoing emergencies. A Managed Services Provider keeps things running at an optimum level, but behind the scenes, primarily out of sight.

Q: Who needs Managed IT Services?

A: Every company needs IT Support of some kind. A ‘garage startup’ may do things themselves, but it won’t be long before they need to look at some form of IT outsourcing services. Typically, once a business has a minimum of 5 users, they will need IT support and services, both financially and productivity-wise. However, for small business IT support, a company can benefit greatly, depending on the nature of their business and the complexity of their network setup. Once a business grows to the 5-user threshold and uses a Managed Services Provider, there should be very little difference between large and small IT support.